Raising Entrepreneurs

Raising Entrepreneurs

From the Desktop of Gordon Phillips, Chief Risk Officer (CRO) Are entrepreneurs born, or made? When my daughter was ten years old she announced her intention to start her own lemonade stand.  She had heard of other girls her age doing the same and harbored dreams of...
The Joys of a True Working Team

The Joys of a True Working Team

From the Desktop of Gordon Phillips, Chief Risk Officer (CRO) One of the aspects about working life that I enjoy the most is being part of a team that feels like family. When you genuinely enjoy the company of your teammates, you may even find that you actually (I...
Managing Risk, Part I

Managing Risk, Part I

From the Desk of Gordon Phillips, Chief Risk Officer (CRO) Everyone has to do something for a living. Me, I manage risk. And what a job it is because risk is quite literally everywhere.  Don’t believe me? People have been known to drop their hair dryer into the...
Managing Risk, Part II

Managing Risk, Part II

From the Desk of Gordon Phillips, Chief Risk Officer (CRO)In our last post, I discussed the idea of mitigating risk. I mentioned how we can address those risks that we’re aware of, but how do we protect against risks that we cannot know in advance? But, then again, is...